Earl Grey Muhallabieh
May 19, 2015 • Category: Dessert

A few days ago, it was cool, overcast, with a nice ocean breeze. I felt like making an easy dessert and drinking some tea. Tea weather does not hit these Mediterranean shores very often so I had to seize the moment. Earl Grey being my all-time favorite tea, I figured I would infuse the homestyle muhallabieh of my grandmother’s with a pinch of it. This dessert is much lighter than tiramisu, but just as creamy. Each ramequin hides one (fat-free) ladyfinger under the cream, which provides a welcome change of texture. It takes less than 20 minutes to fix.

Earl Grey Muhallabieh
Joumana Accad Mediterranean, Middle Eastern May 19, 2015 Dessert, muhallabieh, Earl Grey, tagged,4 servings
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Passive Time: 30 minutes
1 teaspoon tea I used Earl Grey
2 cups milk or water and 8 tablespoons powdered milk
1/4 cup white granulated sugar to taste
3 tbsp cornstarch add one more tbsp if firmer texture is desired
4 pieces boxed ladyfingers or other light sponge cookies or cake
3/4 cup prepared whipped cream can make your own (see instruction)
1. Place one ladyfinger broken-up in several smaller pieces in each serving ramequin or cup.
2. Place the milk, tea, cornstarch and sugar in a saucepan. Bring to a simmer and stir continuously until the cream has thickened, about one minute. Strain and divide into 4 cups or ramequins. Cool in the fridge and serve cold.
3. To make your own cream: Place the cream, one tablespoon sugar and a touch of vanilla in a mixing bowl and whip for a few minutes. If the bowl is cold, it will whip faster. When thick stop the machine and keep covered in the fridge.
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3 Comments • Comments Feed
Susan says:
I’ve seen so many baked goods recipes using Earl Grey tea and I’ve been wanting to try one. I love the sound of it in this custard too. So pretty with the edible flowers on top!
On May 21, 2015 at 8:17 pm
Hélène (Cannes) says:
Le muhallabieh est un de nos desserts favoris … Et ta version à l’Earl Grey, je dois absolument l’essayer … Je te dirai.
On May 24, 2015 at 8:55 am
Joumana says:
@Hélène: Merci!
On May 25, 2015 at 6:24 am