Eggplant salad

March 29, 2009  •  Category: ,

This salad, which goes by the name of “monk’s salad” salatet al raheb is just delicious and light and perfect for a Summer day by the pool or at the beach. It will convert even those who are not that fond of eggplants!  Its unusual name (in arabic) al raheb refers to monks who lived frugally in monasteries dotting the Lebanese mountains, eating whatever their land produced. The vegetable garden surrounding the monastery was cared for by the monks themselves and therefore, a monk’s salad is one made-up of all the vegetables from the garden such as eggplant, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, and herbs such as the extra fine and silky parsley growing in  Lebanon.



Eggplant salad

Joumana Accad Mediterranean, Middle Eastern March 29, 2009 Vegan, Mezze/Appetizers, eggplant, vegan, tagged, mezze, salad,

4 servings

Prep Time: 1 hour

Cook Time: 15 minutes


1 1/2 pound eggplant

1/2 cup chopped parsley

3 green onions, chopped fine

4 small tomatoes, chopped fine

1 green or red bell pepper, seeded and diced


1/2 cup olive oil

1/4 cup lemon juice

1 Tbsp pomegranate molasses

1 tsp garlic paste (garlic cloves mashed with salt)



Bake or broil or grill the eggplant:

The best flavor will be achieved by charring the eggplant either in a grill or over the stovetop (see photo above). Otherwise, peel, slice and salt the eggplant. Let the slices sweat out a brownish liquid for 30 minutes or so, dry and bake in the oven at 350F after brushing the slices in oil.

If charring the eggplant, set them directly over the flame, and then place the eggplant over a strainer to drain all of its bitter juice. Peel the eggplant when cool and chop it fine or mash the eggplant coarsely.

Mix the dressing ingredients in a large bowl and add the eggplant, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers and parsley. Toss to combine and serve.

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4 Comments  •  Comments Feed

  1. gokce says:

    hi… I love your website… I am originally from Turkey, but I am from the southeast Mediterrean coast… so our dishes are very much influenced from Lebanese food… We also had lots of Lebanese/Turkish families in my hometown… I found you while I was looking for a Mamool recipe :)… hope to share recipes in the future… one of my friend’s grandma used to make “lebeniye” (probably wrong spelling)… kibbeh with yogurt-like soup?? I would love to get your recipe…

    • Joumana says:

      Hi! I remember visiting Turkey as a teenager, we drove from Lebanon and visited Ankara and Mersine. The beaches were amazing, like in the Caribbean, and I thought the people were so handsome! Anyway, I would love to visit all of Turkey some day! I just watch Turkish soap operas these days! (“Nour” was my favorite!).
      I am certainly going to have a Kibbe Labanyeh recipe very shortly for you!
      Take care! Joumana

  2. domi says:

    Absolument surprenant cette salade il faut que je la teste, elle me donne vraiment envie…

  3. 債務重組計劃 says:

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