Fish curry stew
October 17, 2014 • Category: Main Dish, Fish/Seafood

Did anyone stop to think of the global influence curry has had on people’s taste buds? Curry (such as simple curry stew made with the mix) is popular all over the Middle-East, yet it is not indigenous to the region. I figured it started with the British when they colonized India, Egypt and Iraq and other countries. They adopted curry and so did the local people. Now everybody loves a good curry once in a while. I see it on cafeteria menus in Lebanon everywhere. A fish curry is easy, fast and yummy. It will give some flavor to a bland fish fillet. The only effort required is slicing the fresh veggies.
INGREDIENTS: 4 servings
• 1 pound white fish fillets, cut-up in chunks, seasoned (with curry powder and salt and pepper) and dredged in flour
• 1 cup chopped onions
• 2 cups sliced bell peppers (any color)
1 cup diced potatoes (previously boiled)
• 1 tablespoon grated ginger
• 1 tablespoon mashed garlic
• 2 tbsps of curry spice mix
• 2 cans of coconut milk
• 1 tsp of black pepper
• salt, as needed
• 1/3 cup oil Chopped cilantro for garnish
- 1. Heat the oil in a large soup pot over medium heat. Add the onions and sliced peppers and stir-fry for a few minutes. Remove from the skillet and add the fish chunks and pan-fry until half-cooked and firmed-up. Add the veggies back in the pot, along with the coconut milk, potato, garlic paste, ginger, and season to taste with curry, salt and pepper. Cover and simmer for another ten minutes. Taste, adjust seasoning and serve with plain rice on the side.
NOTE: The potato can be substituted with green apple, pear, rutabaga, parsnip or any other vegetable.
6 Comments • Comments Feed
Margaret says:
This looks wonderful. I do love a good curry but have never had a fish curry.
On October 19, 2014 at 2:41 am
Oui, Chef says:
I LOVE curries of all shapes and sizes, this one looks particularly delicious.
On October 21, 2014 at 4:45 pm
lara says:
Bonjour .j aimerai bien essayer cette recette mais justement j ai des crevettes .dois je modifie r qqch ? Merci
On March 11, 2015 at 2:18 pm
Joumana says:
@Lara: Les crevettes cuisent vite, donc, il vaut mieux les ajouter après avoir fait revenir les oignons et les autres légumes. On enlève tout ça, on fait revenir les crevettes jusqu’a ce qu’elles changent de couleur. On les remet dans la marmite les dernieres 10 minutes de cuisson. Si on veut, on peut garder les pelures de crevettes et les mettre dans une saucière avec de l’eau et faire bouillir 30 minutes, puis recueillir le jus (passé) pour ajouter au curry, pour donner un bon parfum de crevette au plat.
@Lara: Tant mieux! toi aussi! 🙂
On March 11, 2015 at 2:53 pm
lara says:
Coucou ! Merci beauté pour les conseils .ç était une réussite :))) bon weekend
On March 14, 2015 at 4:06 pm
best hotel management colleges in Kolkata says:
This looks quite fabulous! And with all those flavors, I can imagine it would be beautifully fragrant and tasty too 🙂
On May 15, 2015 at 9:59 am