Lemonade with mint

June 23, 2015  •  Category:

Minted lemonade

What could possibly be better on a hot Summer day? I tried many versions of this minted lemonade, a very popular drink at all the chic cafés in Beirut and finally just thought of making of lemony syrup as a starting point. The great advantage is that is can be prepared ahead of time, leaving the quick blitzing with the fresh mint leaves for the last moment. Makes about a quart (4 servings)

1 ½ cups granulated sugar (300 g.)

2 cups water

3 lemons, sliced (ends cut-off and discarded)

1 cup (packed) mint leaves

Crushed ice, or ice cubes as needed


  1. Wash and dry mint and pluck leaves.
  2. Place sugar, water and lemon slices in a saucepan and bring to a simmer. Let the mixture simmer gently for about 20 minutes. Cool. If not using that day, cover and refrigerate (up to several days).
  3. To make the minted lemonade: Pour into a blender the syrup, 1/3 of the lemon slices, 2 cups of water and the mint. Blend at high speed one minute. Strain the lemonade.
  4. Pour the lemonade over crushed ice or in a cup with ice cubes. Serve with a straw.


10 Comments  •  Comments Feed

  1. Noor says:

    There is nothing better in Ramadan then this drink. Here in Saudi it’s always the first to go on all the iftar buffets.

  2. lara says:

    Bonsoir ! Heureuse de voir une nouvelle vidéo! Ça donne vraiment envie 🙂 au passage , je cherche la recette de pain à la noix de coco qu’on retrouve dans les boulangeries ou chez les vendeurs de kaak (c’est un pain rond qui ressemble au qurban , on en trouve aussi aux dattes ) merci et bonne soirée ^^

    • Joumana says:

      @lara: je crois qu’il s’agit de la basboussa a la manière Egyptienne? j’ai publié une recette il y a 6 ans, je vais essayer de la retrouver et je noterai le lien sur ce message.

  3. Hélène (Cannes) says:

    ça, ça ressemble vraiment au Paradis … dès la première gorgée ! ;o)

  4. lara says:

    Merci d avoir répondu si vite mais malheureusement ce n’est pas la basboussa .c’est un qurban rond fourré a la noix coco .c’est pas grave , merci beaucoup 🙂

  5. Susan says:

    This sounds so refreshing and delicious! A must try when the weather gets really hot and humid here.

  6. Alicia (foodycat) says:

    This looks wonderful! I’ve had lemonade with a sprig of mint in it, but this super minty version looks just perfect.

  7. ruksana says:

    Do you need to add water at the end after you strain the syrup?

    • Joumana Accad says:

      @ruksana: You can add water at the end to make it less sweet. The idea was to have the syrup on hand and be able to use it whenever needed for this purpose or to glaze a cake or whatever. Otherwise, it is just as easy to just dump sugar, water, lemons and mint in a blender. I was thinking of something that would be multipurpose. I need to apologize, as I can see this was not clear enough.

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