Zaatar flatbread (manooshe)
December 3, 2008 • Category: Main Dish

For close to twenty years I could not go back to Beirut; I dreamt of this manooshe with zaatar and olive oil and tomatoes and cucumbers…baked fresh in the morning from the corner bakery…this pie encapsulated all of my nostalgic feelings..I still have to wait to get to Beirut to taste a really good manoosheh!..but here is a speedy version.
1/2 cup of zaatar mix
1/4 cup of toasted sesame seeds (optional)
1/4 to 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil
1 large ready-made pizza crust ( in a plastic pocket )
Unwrap the pizza. Set it aside. Mix the zaatar mix, sesame seeds and olive oil with a spoon in a small bowl.
Dump the bowl on the pizza and spread the mixture all over the pizza; set it in a preheated oven for a quarter of an hour or so. Use the directions on the pizza wrapper to avoid problem.
That’s it! Now some people add the following on top of the cooked pizza:
Fresh sliced tomatoes, olives, crisp cucumbers, olives, fresh mint leaves, feta or labneh cheese.
You can cook 2 (or more) manoosheh, eat one and freeze the rest conveniently in plastic bags and just microwave the bag for 20 seconds or so to refresh it.
3 Comments • Comments Feed
Chris Nehme says:
Thanks for your great work and for upholding the Lebanese Cooking tradition!
I just wanted to ask if you know the recipe of “Lahme Bajeen” (Meat pizza)- dough an topping? I had a manooshe and lahm bajren in a bakery in lebanon and i have never forgotten the taste!
Thanks and Regards,
Chris Nehme
On October 3, 2012 at 4:48 am
Joumana says:
@Chris: I have posted a few; here is one called sfeeha; I also have some with pomegranate molasses named Damascus meat pies that you can download on the blog.
Thanks for the praise! Joumana
On October 3, 2012 at 5:05 am